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Soul perspectives

July 6, 2020

Channels from my soul

The information I share is important.

My purpose for sharing is love.

I love humanity, and I love love ❤️

I want to see all humans thrive.

My heart beats and I truly I Am living to be here now for the birth of the Golden Age of Miracles!
I am a Rainbow Warrior 🌈

Trained for thousands of years over thousands of lifetimes to be here now.
What I share is important.

It is aligned with a Divine Compass, a commitment to greater consciousness, and an open channel to the Angelic Realms.

It is real-time alchemizing of energies.

With every breath I take the dragon goddess energy signature inside me moves a golden light, A channel from above and a gift to all who receive it.

It’s a “felt“ gift and sometimes that “feeling“ is one of activation.

This can feel like anger, rage, fear.

It can feel threatening because it’s shining a light on the darkness.

And darkness gets its power by hiding. Dark energy can also be very “hooky” or “sticky” and so it puts up a fight when its penetrated by light.

When met with an open heart the feeling is pleasant, feels like angelic blessing, and all receive angelic blessings in open heart.

All are in my prayers.

All are in the candles I LIGHT with prayer and reverence.

“Heaven on Earth” is in the here and now, and I’ve seen her. Like ecstasy bursting through the treetops.

I believe in everyone of you.
Humans, we have good hearts.
We have strong emotions.
We have sensitive bodies.
We have powerful souls.

Together We Rise!

Together as one we will enter the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth, living in harmony, peace, love and deep deep gratitude.

This is why we have come.

This is our legacy.

And so it is....

Soul channel ~ Ra Elle